torsdag 18. september 2014

Joel Baum fra Gender Spectrum til HiOA

På onsdag holder Joel Baum et foredrag på HiOA. Baum jobber i Gender Spectrum i USA. Det er en organisasjon som, ifølge nettsiden, "provides education, training and support to help create a gender sensitive and inclusive environment for all children and teens."

In a simple, straightforward manner, we provide consultation, training and events designed to help families, educators, professionals, and organizations understand and address the concepts of gender identity and expression. Our accessible, practical approach is based on research and experience, enabling our clients to gain a deeper understanding of gender all along the spectrum.

We present an overview of how society currently defines gender and how these restrictive definitions can be detrimental to those who do not fit neatly into these categories. We then help you identify and remove the obstacles so all are free to be our authentic selves.

Foredraget er altså egnet til å gi nye perspektiver på kjønn.

Hvor: Auditorium 3, Pilestredet 52
Når: onsdag 24. september kl. 1015-1115
Arrangører: Institutt for grunnskole- og faglærerutdanning (GFU), Linjeforeningen for barnehagelærerstudentene ved HiOA og Kunnskapsløfterne – Linjeforeningen for GLU.

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